The Buzz

If you want to be immersed in bluebells this spring, O’Hara Woods is where it’s at

A sea of blooming bluebells dot the forest floor at O'Hara Woods.
It's a sea of bluebells at O'Hara Woods Preserve in Romeoville. (Photo by Suzy Lyttle)

Like clockwork each spring, we get peppered with questions from the public inquiring about when the Virginia bluebells at Messenger Woods Nature Preserve in Homer Glen will be in bloom. But we'll let you in on a little secret: While the flowers at Messenger Woods are impressive, you haven't seen anything until you've been to O'Hara Woods Preserve in Romeoville during bluebell season.

Right now, the bluebells are blanketing the forest floor, stretching as far as the eye can see. They're not yet at peak bloom, but their time to shine is right around the corner.

Unlike Messenger Woods, where the large pockets of bluebells are across the creek and a little bit off the beaten path, O'Hara Woods has bluebells on full display. 

"My jaw dropped and stayed dropped for a long time on my first hike in O’Hara Woods," said Suzy Lyttle, a program coordinator with the District. "I have seen fields of bluebells before. I even have my favorite spots I check every year, but none are like this. Everywhere you look there are bluebells. Both sides of trail, around every curve, up the ridges, down by the creek. It is just gorgeous."

Like Messenger Woods, O'Hara Woods offers a perfect habitat for bluebells. These flowers tend to be in lower lands that stay moist. The key is the ground can't be too wet or too dry for these flowers to thrive.

"When I heard about O’Hara Woods, I was skeptical, because I have been in love with Messenger Woods," Lyttle said. "What is different is that O’Hara’s trail is smack dab in the middle of the bluebells. Messenger Woods still gets my love for the diversity of different flowers, but if you want to be immersed in bluebells, O’Hara Woods is where it’s at."

Like most spring wildflowers, you have a small window of opportunity to take it all in, because once the bluebells bloom, they'll only be at their peak for a week or two.

"If you visit the rest of the year you would have no idea that for two weeks it was a scene right out of a fairy tale," Lyttle said.

@willcoforests Spring #wildflowers are in full bloom and it doesn’t get much better than #virginiabluebells. #wildflowerscene #spring #springvibes #hiking #hikingadventures #photography #getoutdoors #bluebells #naturelover #hikingtiktok #naturevibes #nativeplants ♬ Canyons - Official Sound Studio

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