FOIA request submitted

Thank you for submitting a request to the Forest Preserve District of Will County in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. The District will respond to your request within five working days, unless additional time is required as permitted under the Act, in which case you will be notified. If this is a commercial request, the District will respond to your request within 21 working days.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the Freedom of Information Officers as listed below. Thank you for your interest in the Forest Preserve District of Will County.

The Forest Preserve District's Freedom of Information Act Officers are:
Lisa Nevins, 815-722-8917, [email protected]
Cindy Cain, 815-722-5370, [email protected]
Meredith Clavenna, 815-722-9387, [email protected]


The Forest Preserve District protects and enhances Will County’s natural and cultural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.


Bringing People and Nature Together

Guiding principles

  • Staying true to our purpose.
  • Being good stewards.
  • Connecting people and nature.
  • Focusing on wellness.
  • Working with others.
  • Promoting sustainability.