

The Forest Preserve District of Will County is a not-for-profit government agency that relies upon the public to support its purpose, not only through financial contributions but through the donation of time and talent as well. If you are you interested in nature and the environment, looking for a place where you can meet new people, seeking personal growth, or would like to improve your community, then the Forest Preserve District of Will County is the place for you!

Volunteer opportunities

If you are new to volunteering or are interested in giving volunteering with the Forest Preserve District a try, many opportunities exist.

At the Forest Preserve, not only do we value our volunteers, but we also recognize that they are integral to the accomplishment of our mission. We rely on generous, dedicated people to help us achieve our purpose and encourage the stewardship of our natural areas for a greener, healthier and more beautiful world. Our volunteers include professionals, students, seniors, organized groups and families.

There are two levels of volunteering with the District. For most individuals who are looking to fulfill community service hours, want to choose from a list of opportunities or are looking for a short-term commitment, we recommend our Public Offered Volunteer (POV) program.  A yearly waiver is required for all volunteers at this level.

In contrast, individuals who routinely give of their talents and resources to assist the District for an extended period of time are part of our Prairie People Volunteer (PPV) program. Their generosity allows us to provide services and programs that would not be possible without their assistance. An application will need to be completed prior to an interview to help us match you to the best assignment. PPV duties have included:

  • Restoring natural areas.
  • Teaching children and adults about nature and the environment.
  • Monitoring trails and preserves.
  • Answering visitors’ questions.
  • Assisting at our visitor centers, programs and special events.
  • And much, much more.

The benefits of being a volunteer at either level are endless. Perhaps some of the most valuable benefits of volunteering are knowing that you are making a positive impact on our environment, improving your mental and physical health, and enhancing the quality of life within your community.

Are you ready to become a volunteer with the Forest Preserve District of Will County? Please complete either the waiver or  application to start the volunteer process.



Current volunteer needs

We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year and can work with you to provide experiences that best suit your interests.

Please note that many areas are limited to a maximum number of volunteers. Some volunteer positions may not currently be available. If you complete an online waiver or application and no positions are available, you will be notified and your paperwork will be kept on file for future opportunities.

Current volunteers can log their hours here. 

Upcoming volunteer opportunities

We invite you to join one of our volunteer mornings, preserve cleanups, and other opportunities where you can get some fresh air, exercise and enjoy the beauty of our preserves. Visit our Event Calendar to find upcoming opportunities that interest you!

Adopt-a-Preserve program

Our Adopt-a-Preserve program allows you or your group to perform and assist in maintenance duties along a designated trail, section of trail, campsite, grove or preserve. To remain active, a minimum of ten hours of work must be performed per month, year-round, at the site. A recognition sign is posted after six continuous months of work.

For more information about becoming a volunteer, joining a volunteer morning or preserve cleanup, attending a meeting/training, or adopting a preserve, please contact Emily Kenny at 815-722-7364 or VolunteerServices@FPDWC.org.


The Forest Preserve District protects and enhances Will County’s natural and cultural resources for the benefit of current and future generations.


Bringing People and Nature Together

Guiding principles

  • Staying true to our purpose.
  • Being good stewards.
  • Connecting people and nature.
  • Focusing on wellness.
  • Working with others.
  • Promoting sustainability.