Event calendar

Living on the Land Field Trip for Homeschool and Remote Learners

Event information

Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025

Time: 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Fee: Free!

Age: Ages 7-12. Students must be accompanied by a chaperone.

Contact: 815-722-9301

Location: Isle a la Cache Museum

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A person in 1700s period wear speaking with a group of students. Photo by Glenn P. Knoblock

Event details

Explore the Native Americans’ relationship with the land. Students will learn about the seasonal preparations and activities of the Potawatomi people. This is an opportunity for homeschooled or remote learning students to experience Isle a la Cache’s field trip programs that are normally offered only to school groups.


Event requirements

Registration required by Friday, April 4: 815-722-9301.


Isle a la Cache Museum is an accessible facility; outdoor activities will take place on paved paths and natural surfaces. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service to participate in this program should mention their request when registering or submit a request online no later than 48 hours before the program.