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Woodcock Walk: McKinley Woods

3/21/2025 6:00 PM

Learn about the woodcock and its theatrical courtship displays before heading out to observe the male woodcock's flight.

Early Bird Hike

3/22/2025 8:30 AM

Spring is here, so join us for a morning bird hike to see who we can find in the preserve. 

The Buzz

Five things you might not know about spring


When it comes to spring, there's so much to love. But there's also probably a lot you don't know about our most-anticipated season.

Quiz: Can you ace this short-eared owl quiz?


Test your knowledge on this 10-question quiz.

Happening now: Chorus frogs are loudly seeking mates


If you venture out into the preserves these days, there's a good chance you'll hear chorus frogs making a racket as they call out looking for a mate.