Migration watch: Hummingbirds are winging their way north toward Will County

For those on you on hummingbird watch, there's good news to report: Hummingbirds have made it to the U.S. on their annual northern migration, having been spotted as far north as northern Florida, Louisiana and Texas.
You can follow along on the hummingbirds' migratory journey thanks to two citizen science projects: Hummingbird Central and Journey North. The maps do vary a bit based on those reporting to each site.
The tiny birds still have quite a ways to go until they make it as far north as Illinois and then Will County. Generally, we start seeing hummingbirds in Will County around the middle of April, and they should be here in full force by May. The hummingbird feeders in the bird-feeding area at the Forest Preserve's Plum Creek Nature Center are put out on April 15 each year to ensure any early-arriving birds have a source of nectar.
Keep in mind that ruby-throated hummingbirds will migrate all the way up into Canada, so even if you spot one locally, that doesn't mean that particular bird is going to be sticking around. Instead, it may just be making a pit stop.
While you wait for their arrival in your yard, go ahead and enjoy these hummingbird videos.