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Quiz: How much do you know about rabbits?

A cottontail rabbit sitting in the grass with sunlight in the background.
(Photo via Shutterstock)

Rabbits are one of the most common animals we see in just about any open space, from the forest preserve to our yards and neighborhoods.

Locally, you'll be coming across the Eastern cottontail, one of 13 species of cottontail rabbits found in North America. They're prolific breeders and, according to one estimate, one mating pair could result in 350,000 descendants in five years. That is, if the pair and all of their offspring lived for five years and reproduced at an average rate. Thankfully, Mother Nature has enough checks and balances in place to prevent that from happening. 

Cottontail rabbits are abundant in Illinois and you don't have to look too hard to see one. But how much do you really know about them?

Take our quiz to find out and potentially learn a few new things. You can study up beforehand with our creature feature.



For what physical feature are these rabbits named?

What do cottontail rabbits eat?

Rabbits are rodents.

How many litters of offspring does a female cottontail rabbit typically have each year?

What is a cottontail rabbit’s preferred habitat?

About how much does an eastern cottontail rabbit weigh?

An eastern cottontail rabbit’s fur changes color during the year.

What continent are eastern cottontail rabbits native to?

Cottontail rabbits reach their full-grown size at what age?

What are baby rabbits called?



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