The buzz

Quiz: Are you an expert on cardinals?

A male northern cardinal standing in grass.
(Photo courtesy of Joe Viola)

Even if you're a novice when it comes to birds, you can probably identify a cardinal. They are one of the most recognizable — and beloved — birds, but many people don't know much about them other than what they look like. 

Do you know what they eat? Where they live? You can test your knowledge on cardinals with this quiz. You might want to study up ahead of time with the help of our creature feature.

Latest Buzz

In August, we will experience a blue moon and shooting stars too


The full moon in August is a blue moon, and it's also a supermoon. 

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What's the difference?: Honeybee vs. yellow jacket


The buzz of an insect in your ear can come from many different sources, from mosquitoes and flies to bees and wasps. When it's a bee or wasp buzzing by, two common culprits — honeybees and yellow jackets — can be cause for confusion. 

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