The buzz

Quiz: How smart are you about salamanders?

Blue-spotted salamander. (Photo via Shutterstock)

They may be big and have a large range, including here in Will County, but salamanders aren't necessarily easy to find. 

It does help if you know which hot spots to check out, such as at Goodenow Grove Nature Preserve in Beecher, which is one habitat salamanders seem to love.

Test your knowledge to see how much you really know about these awesome amphibians.

Latest Buzz

What's the difference?: Honeybee vs. yellow jacket


The buzz of an insect in your ear can come from many different sources, from mosquitoes and flies to bees and wasps. When it's a bee or wasp buzzing by, two common culprits — honeybees and yellow jackets — can be cause for confusion. 

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Quiz: How much bee brainpower do you have?


Take this quiz to test your knowledge on these very important pollinators.

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