The buzz

Quiz: What animal is this?

Can you identify this animal? (Photo via Shutterstock)

Think you know our local wildlife? You might know a bald eagle from a great horned owl or a muskrat from a beaver when you see them in the wild, but how about when all you see is just one small detail? Do you know the eyes of a coyote or the feet or a turtle? 

You can prove you're an expert on our local critters with this 10-question quiz. The photos are taken from different angles than you might be used to, but we promise there's not a trick question in the bunch.

Latest Buzz

Happening now: Male woodcocks performing their elaborate courtship ritual


Now is the time to see woodcocks out in the preserves, and there's a lot to love about these birds — from the males' elaborate courtship ritual to their cute nicknames.

Quiz: What's your skunk IQ?


Find out by answering these 10 questions.