The buzz

Quiz: How sharp are you when it comes to sandhill cranes?

Two sandhill cranes standing in grasses and other vegetation facing in opposite directions.
(Photo via Adobe Stock)

Spring and fall are the most common times of the year to spot sandhill cranes in northern Illinois, as they migrate between their breeding grounds to the north and their wintering grounds in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. In many cases, we hear their loud, trumpeting calls long before we see them, if we see them at all.

As they travel overhead, their bugling call is sometimes the only thing that alerts us to their presence. 

Take this quiz to see how much you know about these majestic birds making their way through our area.

Latest Buzz

Happening now: Male woodcocks performing their elaborate courtship ritual


Now is the time to see woodcocks out in the preserves, and there's a lot to love about these birds — from the males' elaborate courtship ritual to their cute nicknames.

Quiz: What's your skunk IQ?


Find out by answering these 10 questions.