The big picture
Keep an eye out for these signs of spring
$350 million invested in nature over 25 years
Be a Trailblazer: Hike Goodenow Grove
Let's bust some nature myths
Be a Trailblazer: Hike Hadley Valley
Gear up for winter
The wonders of Will County
These animals mate for life
Be a Trailblazer: Hike Rock Run Preserve
It's the year of the snake, so it's time to stop hating on these creatures
Explore the enigmatic world of slime molds
Rock Run Rookery: Where water is at the forefront
Animals that scream Halloween
Pockets of the past: Remnant prairies offer glimpse into region’s history
Lake Chaminwood: There's now more to do and see
There's more to fall than you might think
The science behind fall foliage
Autumnal animal behaviors
Forked Creek Preserve: Experience the peacefulness of nature
Your guide to fishing in the preserves
What you need to know about the 2024 cicada emergence
O'Hara woods: A quick escape into nature
Spring is in bloom in the woods
Getting to the root of white oak decline in northern Illinois
Nature detectives at work tracking rare species
Survival stories: Animals back from the brink
Explore nature's dark side
Isle a la Cache: Explore the past and the present
Take a walk through a dolomite prairie
Hammel Woods: A preserve that always delivers
Getting antsy in the preserves
Monee Reservoir: The preserve that has it all
Use these tips for jaw-dropping nature photos
Preserving precious pollinators
Amazing animal moms of Will County
McKinley Woods: Where the past and present meet
A dozen native plants that will bring life to your yard
How the circle of life connects us all
10 birds to look for as spring creeps in
Bring on the birds with native plants
Our local birds: Where are they now?
Who goes there: Your guide to animal tracks
The bird of all seasons
What to know about winter birding
How we monitor wildlife in the preserves
10 mind-blowing facts about birds
Digging in for winter
Winter seeding leads to spring sprouts
The lowdown on lichens
The owls of Will County
Winter warriors: These animals don't just survive in winter, they thrive
The big chill: Ice harvesting in Will County
Why you should care about biodiversity
Animals, they’re just like us
Time to talk turkey
Goodenow Grove: Plenty to do and see in any season
Hadley Valley: Restoration returns it to a rolling prairie
Biting through bats' bum rap
Why we need birds
Lake Renwick: A birding paradise
Look out for these backyard bullies
McKinley Woods' war connection
Check out these 10 amazing 360-degree views
Old Plank Road Trail turns 25
Rock Run Preserve: A lively loop for the whole family
Hammel Woods: A miller's tale
Red, white and blue wildflowers in the preserves
In the spotlight: Hickory Creek Preserve
Avoid these plants to save yourself from painful rashes, blindness – even death
What you need to know about tick season
Magnificent moths of Will County
Your guide to camping in the preserves
The do's and don'ts of dealing with injured, orphaned wildlife
Bees: Vital, yet often misunderstood
Messenger Woods Nature Preserve: An oldie but a goodie
The best places to hike in Will County
Name that tune: Learn to identify common bird songs
How you can pass on your love of nature to your kids
Meet the curious black-crowned night heron
Why are some animals the wrong color?
Your guide to spring snake spotting
Indicator species: A vital presence
Kankakee Sands seeds stored in national vaults
Meet the woodpeckers of Will County
These animals are masters of camouflage
What you need to know about prescribed burns
Birds we love — and why
Harnessing the wilderness
Stop hating on spiders
In the spotlight: Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve
Pelicans flock to preserves
Life underground: What lives just underneath our feet
A step-by-step look at the Hammel Woods dam removal
Meet the turtles of Will County
Put trash in its place
Look up and enjoy the clouds
The problem with plastic
In the spotlight: Raccoon Grove Nature Preserve
Animals of our recent past
Stop polluting the preserves with litter
In the spotlight: Whalon Lake
Litter: Public Enemy No. 1
The plight of the bumble bee
In the spotlight: Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve
Forest Preserve Police Mark Department’s 40th Anniversary
Freshwater fish in peril
Dive into these spectacular facts about common animals
What you need to know to start birding
Joliet Iron Works protects cultural history
Will County's cutest critters
This, that or the other thing
5 ways nature can keep you healthy
The backyard birds of Will County
The beloved white-tailed deer
Celebrate America's national mammal
The best places to bike in Will County
How to turn your yard into a year-round wildlife haven
Saving Thorn Creek Woods took hard work and a bit of luck
Know your dragonflies
Your guide to paddling Will County
That bites: Your guide to the less desirable side of being outdoors
Ultimate tree hugger hunts for champion trees
How to identify bird nests
From nurture to nature
Five reasons to plant natives
Orioles are a sweet spring treat
Birds on the brink due to climate change
There's more to hibernation than you think
Five ways water enhances our lives
10 reasons to appreciate our trees and forests
Wild ways animals protect themselves
Fabulous feasts: 10 jaw-dropping photos of hungry wildlife
Keep your eyes peeled for these unusual plants
Slowing water's roll
Ants on parade: These mighty insects have a key environmental role
Uncovering the mystery of Kirtland's snakes
Top 10 trail trips to try
Steeling Joliet's past
Our waterways are drowning in plastic
Planting with a purpose
The bottom line on animals eating feces
12 nutty facts about squirrels
Dead and dying trees bring life to the forest
Great blue: The granddaddy of herons
From tracks to trails
What’s in a name?
Nature preserves protect Will County’s natural heritage
From stone to water: Quarrying in Will County
Before there was us
Preserving the past at Riverview Farmstead
Vermont Cemetery: From human history to natural history
Wonderfully wild snakes of Will County
Runyon Preserve's special significance
When bald eagles go fishing, it's quite a catch
A history of stone transforms Des Plaines River Valley
Cool cormorants, and little known facts
Woodland oasis
The preserves, seen in 15 amazing sunsets
The graceful great egret
The art of beekeeping
Monarch migration
Scat-tergories: The scoop on poop
These birds mean business
The facts about the animals you love to hate
From incarceration to recreation
Before it was Goodenow Grove
The Sages of McKinley Woods
Heart-stirring hummingbirds
In search of ‘Sallys’
The bats of Will County
Saving the sand savanna