| Story by Meghan McMahon |
Editor’s note: We want you to Be a Trailblazer this year, so we will be hiking at various preserves throughout the year and documenting it for you. Journey along with us as we blaze a trail through the preserves and hopefully encourage you to do the same.
Rock Run Preserve isn’t one of those tucked-away spots where you can retreat from your busy life and surround yourself with the sights and sounds of nature. It’s in a busy and populated spot in Will County’s largest city, so you are never too far from the hustle and bustle.
That juxtaposition is part of the beauty of a visit to Rock Run Preserve. You’re in nature, reaping the benefits of it, and its location along busy suburban thoroughfares makes it easy to appreciate the value of these protected natural spaces.
On our hike at Rock Run, the sights and sounds of both nature and suburban life were evident all around. Sounds of traffic and sirens in the distance intermixed with the sounds of birds chirping and calling and wind whipping across the prairie grasses and through the bare trees.
We hiked after a snowfall, but it was during one of those winter warmups that makes everything a little slick and soupy at the same time. The trails were soggy and wet with puddles in some spots but still snowy and icy in those places that don’t get as much direct sunlight.
As you might expect on a winter afternoon, wildlife sightings were few. We saw some sparrows and songbirds in the brush and some geese flying overhead. A couple of squirrels were scurrying up and down trees and eating seeds and such from the ground. Two deer darted across the trail just ahead of us, very aware of our presence.