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  • A bee on a purple flower

    What's the difference?: Bee vs. hornet vs. wasp


    Bee, wasp or hornet? Learn the differences among these stinging insects.

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  • Ruby-throated hummingbird at a feeder

    Five fascinating facts about ruby-throated hummingbirds


    The ruby-throated hummingbird is among the most beloved birds in Will County, and the more you know about them the more you will love them.

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  • Bats lined up in roof rafters

    Myth buster: Bats aren't blind


    Bats aren't blind — some can even see better than you — but they also don't need to rely on their vision to navigate in flight because they use echolocation.

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  • Belted kingfisher in shrubbery

    Creature feature: The eye-catching belted kingfisher


    The belted kingfisher is a common bird that lives across the entire United States, and they often catch the eye and the ear with their top-heavy appearance and loud, rattling calls.

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  • A bee on coneflower

    Nature curiosity: Why do flowers smell good?


    Next time you stop to smell the roses, or any other sweet-smelling flower for that matter, keep in mind that the fragrance isn't intended for you. Instead, the plants are trying to attract insects and birds to aid in pollination. 

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  • Bats lined up in roof rafters

    Do you have bats living nearby? State researchers want to know


    If you know of bats living on your property or nearby, you can submit the information to researchers studying bats in Illinois. 

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  • A butterfly on a green leaf

    What's the difference?: Butterfly vs. moth


    Is that a moth or a butterfly? Learn the clues to help you tell the difference. 

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  • Opossum hanging from tree limb with tail wrapped around it

    Myth buster: Opossums don't really hang by their tails to sleep


    Opossums are often depicted in cartoons as hanging upside down by their tails, but they aren't really able to do it for any length of time. 

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  • Two river otters standing next to one another on land.

    Creature feature: The playful river otter


    River otters once nearly disappeared from Illinois, but these playful creatures have rebounded, thanks to a successful conservation program.

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  • A field view with dew on grass

    Nature curiosity: Why are some mornings so dewy?


    What does it mean when the grass is wet and dewy in the morning? Can it tell you anything about the weather to come?

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Current Headlines

Start your autumn with family-friendly fun at Fall on the Farm event on Sept. 14


Fall on the Farm is set for Saturday, Sept. 14, at Riverview Farmstead Preserve. Attendees can explore the 19th-century buildings, visit a petting zoo, try their hand at farm chores, view antique tractors and enjoy live bluegrass music. 

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Visitor centers to close on Labor Day, bait shops will be open


Forest Preserve visitor centers will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2, for the Labor Day holiday, but concession stands will be open at Monee Reservoir in Monee Township and Hidden Lakes Trout Farm at Hidden Oaks Preserve in Bolingbrook.

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