The buzz

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  • A bee on coneflower

    Nature curiosity: Why do flowers smell good?


    Next time you stop to smell the roses, or any other sweet-smelling flower for that matter, keep in mind that the fragrance isn't intended for you. Instead, the plants are trying to attract insects and birds to aid in pollination. 

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  • Bats lined up in roof rafters

    Do you have bats living nearby? State researchers want to know


    If you know of bats living on your property or nearby, you can submit the information to researchers studying bats in Illinois. 

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  • A butterfly on a green leaf

    What's the difference?: Butterfly vs. moth


    Is that a moth or a butterfly? Learn the clues to help you tell the difference. 

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  • Opossum hanging from tree limb with tail wrapped around it

    Myth buster: Opossums don't really hang by their tails to sleep


    Opossums are often depicted in cartoons as hanging upside down by their tails, but they aren't really able to do it for any length of time. 

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  • Two river otters standing next to one another on land.

    Creature feature: The playful river otter


    River otters once nearly disappeared from Illinois, but these playful creatures have rebounded, thanks to a successful conservation program.

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  • A field view with dew on grass

    Nature curiosity: Why are some mornings so dewy?


    What does it mean when the grass is wet and dewy in the morning? Can it tell you anything about the weather to come?

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  • A tree burl that looks like a very big butt

    Tree burls create optical illusions in the forest


    If you've ever seen a monkey in a tree in an Illinois forest, chances are it was really a tree burl creating an optical illusion. 

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  • View of a wetland at Rock Run Preserve

    What's the difference?: Wetland vs. marsh vs. swamp


    Wetlands link land and water, creating a crucial habitat with many important roles.

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  • A 13-lined ground squirrel on the ground

    Creature feature: The often-misidentified 13-lined ground squirrel


    That chipmunk you see may be a 13-lined ground squirrel. Learn how to tell them apart and everything you need to know about these ground squirrels. 


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  • Female rabbit nursing its young

    Breeding like rabbits? What does that mean anyway?


    Rabbits are well-known for their ability to reproduce, but what makes them more prolific than other animals?

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Current Headlines

Lambs Woods closed, trees down in preserves after Monday's storm


Lambs Woods Preserve in Lockport is closed due to a large tree blocking the parking lot after Monday's storm. Also, trees are down and partially blocking trails in other preserves. The cleanup is underway and preserve visitors are urged to use caution as the work continues. 

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Everyone is welcome at Four Rivers for All Abilities on July 24


Enjoy an outing for people of all abilities at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center during Four Rivers for All Abilities on July 24. Take part in hands-on activities, tour the building and enjoy being in nature as a family, group or individual. 

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