The buzz

All Buzz Articles

  • Canada goose flying upside down

    Why is this Canada goose at Lake Renwick flying upside down?


    It's not your common, everyday occurrence.

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  • Sandhill cranes in the river

    Creature feature: The tall, bulky and elegant sandhill crane


    Sandhill cranes are a magnificent sight, whether flying overhead or congregating in prairies and fields, but we often realize the birds are nearby because we hear them before we see them.

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  • Merlin perched on a branch

    Creature feature: The elusive, fast flying merlin


    These birds are smaller than most falcons, known for their powerful flying and astute hunting abilities. 

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  • Close up of a praying mantis' face

    Creature feature: Praying mantis is perfectly designed for hunting prey


    September and October are the most common times to see these intriguing insects.

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  • Black squirrel on the ground

    Have you seen any black squirrels in the preserves?


    While no hard data exists, anecdotal evidence indicates this black squirrel at McKinley Woods is indeed a rare find locally.

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  • Two skunks on a log

    The stink on skunks


    If you — or more likely, your dog — find yourself on the receiving end of a skunk’s stinky spray, you can’t say you weren’t warned. 

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  • Squirrel hanging off a bird feeder

    Study shows squirrels steal half of food put in bird feeders


    Squirrels can be relentless when it comes to stealing a meal.

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  • Dandelion in a field

    Dandy dandelions: This 'common weed' has many benefits


    Each spring, homeowners declare war on dandelions, pulling out all the stops to keep America’s most hated weed out of their yards and gardens. But is it a war worth waging? Should we just leave these plants be?

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  • American woodcock on the ground

    Five wild and wacky woodcock facts


    When it comes to birds you can see in the preserves, the American woodcock may be the most unique one you'll come across. 

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  • Before and after: Prescribed burn at Braidwood Dunes


    It's a stunning contrast in photos.

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Current Headlines

Trail sections, one preserve closed due to Monday's storms


Sections of the Old Plank Road and Wauponsee Glacial trails and Lambs Woods preserve are closed due to trees blocking the paths after Monday's storm. Debris from the storm is being cleared by staff and contractors. Preserve visitors are urged to use caution as this work continues. 

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Everyone is welcome at Four Rivers for All Abilities on July 24


Enjoy an outing for people of all abilities at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center during Four Rivers for All Abilities on July 24. Take part in hands-on activities, tour the building and enjoy being in nature as a family, group or individual. 

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